The Flying Trunk

Page No : 2
flying5 The sultan had a beautiful daughter. Fascinated by the attractive, young man’s stories, she fell in love with him. He promised to take her to far-off lands. The princess pleaded her father to permit her to marry the young man. The sultan finally agreed.
With the beautifully princess by his side, the young man started to tell his stories to everyone – the courtiers at the palace and people in streets. To these people of warm land, who knew nothing of cold weather, he told stories of high mountains covered with ice. flying6
He described the cold weather and how people in those places kept themselves warm.The people listening to the young man’s stories, started to believe that he was rich and powerful.
flying7 The stage was set for the wedding. Fine clothes of silk and satin, jewellery studded with fine rubies and emeralds, gold and silver goblets for the wedding toast were all made ready for the marriage.
The palace was full of life on the wedding day. A holiday was declared for the royal wedding. Delicious food was prepared in the palace kitchens. As magicians and dancing girls were giving performances on the grounds, fireworks filled the skies. flying8


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