Central team to visit Kerala amid high daily cases

Thiruvananthapuram, Oct 16 : Even as coronavirus cases spiked in Kerala with more new patients than recoveries on Friday, a high-level central team is set to visit the southern state to help strengthen the steps taken to tackle the virus.

The test positivity rate on Friday stood at a high of over 14 per cent, as 7,283 new cases was reported after tests on 51,836 samples.

Health Minister KK Shailaja said 6,767 patients tested negative.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has deputed central teams to visit Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and West Bengal as these have been reporting a surge in new cases in recent days.

Each team comprises of a Joint Secretary (nodal officer for respective state), one public health expert to look after public health aspects, one clinician to look after infection prevention practices and clinical management protocol followed by the state.

The teams will support states' efforts to strengthen containment, surveillance, testing, infection prevention and control measures, and efficient clinical management of corona positive cases.

The teams shall also guide in effective management of challenges related to timely diagnosis and follow-up action.

At present, Kerala has 95,008 active cases, whereas 2,28,998 patients have been cured.

On Friday, 24 Covid deaths tool the death toll to 1,113.

In all, 2,76,727 persons are under observation at various places, including 25,582 in hospitals.

There are 643 hotspots in the state.



Source: IANS