Justin Bieber imitator charged with child sex offenses

New York [USA], Mar. 9 : Beliebers, be more concious before pinging any social media profile having you star on the DP! A man, who allegedly posed as Bieber online, has been charged with more than 900 child sex offenses, including rape.

According to a CNN report, the 42-year-old man allegedly used multiple platforms, including Facebook and Skype, to communicate with his victims, Australian police said in a statement.

The man allegedly posed as Bieber in order to solicit explicit images from children under 16. "This investigation demonstrates both the vulnerability of children that are utilizing social media and communication applications and the global reach and skill that child sex offenders have to groom and seduce victims," Rouse said.

Hence, the police warned parents and Bieber fans to be extra vigilant when using the internet. The alleged offender was investigated and arrested by the Argos Taskforce, a special branch of the police in Queensland, responsible for the investigation of online child exploitation and abuse.

Source: ANI