Kellyanne Conway sidelined from TV, post NSA Flynn debacle

New York [USA], Feb. 23: Kellyanne Conway, once a strong supporter for the Trump White House, has been sidelined from television appearances for making statements that were at odds with the administration's official stance.

According to CNN, hours after Conway claimed that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had the president's "full confidence," Flynn resigned.

The following day, Conway added Flynn had offered to resign, even though White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Trump had asked Flynn for his resignation.

She has not given a television interview since then. The CNN report further says, those statements, which came amid existing public scrutiny over Conway's credibility, led the US President Donald Trump and his top advisers to conclude that her appearances were doing more harm than good for the administration.

Conway was "off message," CNN quoted White House source. Her absence from the airwaves has already lowered the level of controversy for the Trump White House, suggesting that the press office may be getting a better grip on its messaging strategy.

Even before the Flynn remarks, Conway had come under fire for encouraging Americans to purchase Ivanka Trump's clothing products -- a move House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep.

Jason Chaffetz called "over the line" and "unacceptable.".

Source: ANI