KGMU worker gets first vax shot in Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow, Jan 16 : With the vaccination drive against coronavirus kicking-off in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday, Amar Bahadur, a junior assistant at King George's Medical University's Public Health Dentistry department, received the first shot of the vaccine.

"There was a lot of excitement before the vaccination.

There was absolutely no problem after receiving the vaccine shot. I have full faith in the vaccine jab. I want to appeal to my countrymen to participate actively in this vaccination campaign and drive the coronavirus out of my country.

This is a major achievement of the scientists of our country. Casting any kind of aspersions about the vaccine is not right, " Bahadur said after being vaccinated.

Earlier, the vaccine was transported from the Cold Chain Point in Lucknow at 8 a.m on Saturday.

The vehicle carrying the vaccine was escorted to the hospital by the police. From there the police personnel delivered the vaccine box to the vaccination site at 9 a.m. After this the health workers present in the waiting room were called one after another. The details recorded in the portal and the manual list were matched and the first dose of the vaccine was given.

After receiving the vaccination shot, to monitor the health of the beneficiary, he/she was kept in the observation room for nearly 30 minutes.

A team of health workers and an ambulance were on standby to handle any emergency. Vaccination began at 12 hospitals in the city.

On Saturday, 31,700 people will be vaccinated in Uttar Pradesh. This vaccine jab is being given to the health workers first.

Medical and Health Minister Jai Pratap Singh said, "In UP, injections of 10,55,500 'Covishield' and 20,000 'Covaxin' have been received.

The health department is fully geared up. The names of 8,57,000 health workers of the state have been listed. Cold chains are fully ready in the state."

Uttar Pradesh Additional Chief Secretary, Health, Amit Mohan Prasad, said, "This vaccine will be given at 317 centres in the state.

At each centre nearly 100 people will be getting the vaccine shot. Its second dose will be given after 28 days."



Source: IANS