Louis Theroux hopes to make ‘human connection’ through ‘My Scientology |Movie

London [UK], Sept. 15 : As the official trailer of 'My Scientology Movie' landed, British-American filmmaker, Louis Theroux shares his reasons for making the theatre documentary on "a faith that has been much ridiculed." The 'Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends' maker was reportedly denied entry to the Church of Scientology headquarters to document the activities, for which he elaborates his intentions to "bring a sense of nuance and perspective to people's understanding of a faith that has been much ridiculed," reports the Daily Star.

"Just as I have done with other non-mainstream stories, I hoped to see it from the inside and make a human connection with its clerics and congregants.

But I was repeatedly turned down," he added. In an attempt to understand the Church's alleged techniques and aided by former Scientology members turned snitches, the 46-year-old filmmaker is reported to have used actors to recreate incidents people claim to have experienced as members.

'My Scientology Movie' will be released in the UK on October 10..

Source: ANI