Naidu flays Congress for criticizing ban on pvt. channel, says pointing figures will revert

New Delhi [India], Nov. 7 : With opposition and media slamming action against NDTV India, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister M.

Venkaiah Naidu on Sunday said that the Congress Party has no right to criticize because if they point fingers it will revert to them.

Addressing the media here, Naidu said people who are criticising this action (ban on TV channels) are the same people who had put behind bars an artist for cartoons.

"Congress has no right to criticise, if they point fingers, it will revert to them. They have curtailed press and civil freedom during emergency. During emergency, people were put behind bars, democratic rights were trampled, civil liberty were curtailed, censorship was imposed on media.

That party is talking about democracy and fundamental rights," he said. "21 channels were banned during UPA regime, some were banned for airing midnight masala. Whereas we are worried about daylight portrayal of terror activities with running commentary on whereabouts of ammo depot, etc," he added.

He also alleged that the Congress party is getting frustrated because they are losing state after state.

"Democracy has never been this vibrant, people from all walks of life feel they have a say in government issues," Naidu said.

Naidu further said that the Bharatiya Janata Party has never called any Prime Minister 'khoon ka dalal', and therefore, this is the kind of freedom people have now.

Source: ANI