Turkish Prez arrives in Washington to meet Trump

Washington D.C. [USA], May 17 : Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reached Washington D.C on Monday to meet his American counterpart, Donald Trump.

According to Anadolu news agency, Erdogan will meet Trump at the White House on Tuesday for a bilateral Oval Office meeting followed by a press conference.

A meeting with Turkish-American business and religious leaders at the Turkish ambassador's residence in northwest Washington, D.C.

is also scheduled. Erdogan's visit comes after he won a historic referendum last month which gave him more executive powers as the President.

Following the win, the U.S. President congratulated him on a phone call. According to the Daily Sabah, Erdogan and Trump will discuss the issues surrounding Syria, especially the U.S.' decision to directly arm the Kurdish Workers' Party's (PKK) Syrian affiliate the People's Protection Units (YPG), and the extradition dossier of U.S.-based radical cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of masterminding last year's failed coup.

Speaking to journalists ahead of visit, the Turkish President said that he would discuss the extradition of Fetullah Gulen with Donald Trump on May 16.

"There are some documents and information we have prepared, which we will present to him. In my opinion, the United States of America should not be an incubation center for FETO," he said. Erdogan is also expected to discuss the issue of the U.S. arming the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), considered by Turkey as an affiliate of the PKK terrorist organization.

"These are contrary developments to our relations and strategic agreement with the U.S. We do not want those issues, [...] we will discuss them," Erdogan said..

Source: ANI