Why should brides have all the fun? Here are some fun skin tips for bridegrooms

New Delhi [New Delhi], Feb 10. : Weddings today are not just about brides, as grooms share equal limelight as the lady. Not only they like to keep themselves updated with the latest fashion trends, they also take special care of their skin in an ode to look like a million bucks along with their better halves! From Designer Sherwani to the classy tuxedo, every look is incomplete if your skin doesn't compliment you, especially on your D-day.

Enough has been said (and) done when it comes to the bridal skincare routine, but why should grooms be left behind! Here are a few tips given by Dr.

Vivek Mehta Dermatologist at Pulastya Cadle Skin Clinic that can come handy for the 'grooms-to-be' to maintain a happy, healthy skin.

Stop that soap: Do not use soap on your face. Not many men are aware of this fact that using soap on the face can actually leave your skin dry and cause eczema especially if you have a sensitive skin.

It is important to know your skin type and accordingly use face-wash or lotions that suit your skin well.

Homemade face packs made up of besan, curd is great to wash your face. CTM routine is a must: Regularly wash your face especially before hitting the bed to ward off all the dirt and dust to avoid pimples (and) acne.

Exfoliate at least once a week to shed off all the dead skin. People with oily skin should use a toner regularly. Moisturize your skin using a water/oil based moisturizer to avoid dry, flaky skin. Men with a beard should pay special attention to the CTM routine to get a glowing skin on their wedding day.

Screen yourself from the sun: All men should know that using a sunscreen is not a girlie thing! Men should make it a routine to apply sunscreen to protect their skin from the harmful UV rays.

Grooms should start using SPF cream at least 3 months prior to their wedding day. Regular use of sunscreen reduces spots, uneven skin tone, and signs of aging. Manage Your Diet: Pay attention to your diet and avoid junk food to shed those extra pounds. Nobody likes to get clicked with a potbelly! Follow an exercise regime to look good and feel healthy. A healthy body has a healthy, glowing skin. Start watching your diet a month before your wedding and see the effect on your skin. Sleep away your worries: Most grooms tend to ignore 8 hours of sleep amidst the hectic wedding preps. This not only makes you look exhausted but steals always the glow from your face. Nobody wants to have dark circles and flushed face on their wedding day! Pamper yourself, it's your wedding! There's no harm in splurging yourself in spa treatments to relieve anxiety (and) stress related to the wedding.

Detox your body with various treatments and indulge yourself in body massages, manicure, pedicure, there's no harm in grooming yourself to look special on your big day.

Advanced skincare procedures: In case you are too lazy to follow a routine, advanced skincare procedures are a great way to get a happy skin.

Laser treatments (and) Mesotherapy for hair reduction, tattoo removal, Derma rollar treatment for anti-acne etc.

are a great way to get a glowing skin. Apart from these, chemical peeling, PRP for skin rejuvenation, Exilis for skin tightening, or Lipocel (first device in India) for inch loss are some of the popular procedures among grooms.

Source: ANI