1.4L health workers to get jabs in UP on Friday

Lucknow, Jan 22 : Nearly 1.4 lakh health workers in Uttar Pradesh will get vaccinated in the second round of the Covid-19 vaccination drive, to be held on Friday.

In the inaugural session on January 16, over 22,000 health workers were inoculated against a target of 31,700.

Principal secretary, health and family welfare, Alok Kumar, said around 1,400 booth sessions will be held.

"UP needs to vaccinate 9.06 lakh health workers, including those from the private sector.

Around 22,000 were covered in the inaugural session and Friday's vaccination target is 1.4 lakh," he said.

Those who missed the shot on the first day on January 16 can get themselves inoculated on Friday.

From next week onwards, the vaccination sessions will be held every Thursday and Friday.

The target is to cover 50 per cent health workers by the sessions on January 28 and 29.

The second batch of 9.11 lakh doses of vaccine has been received after 10.75 lakh doses in the first round.

"UP has enough doses to inoculate health workers," said the official.

Of the nine lakh health workers listed in Uttar Pradesh, over 2.34 lakh are from the private sector while others belong to the government sector.

"The list includes 1.5 lakh anganwadi centres, 1.5 lakh ASHA workers, 40,000 ANMS, all staff under provincial medical and health services and medical colleges," said the officer.

The process will be monitored by UNICEF and WHO for smooth implementation and experts will oversee and record adverse events, including technical glitches.



Source: IANS