AIIMS records 180 Chikungunya positive cases

New Delhi, Aug 24 : Doctors at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) have warned of a sudden increase in Chikungunya positive cases, by announcing that 180 patients have tested positive for the vector borne disease this season.

The doctors said this sudden spurt in Chikungunya cases is mainly due to the heavy monsoon received in Delhi this year.

"There is sudden rise in cases of Chikungunya. In AIIMs till now, we have tested 180 cases, which are Chikungunya positive cases," said Dr. Lalit Dar. "The cause is that we have received heavy monsoons this year. Rain causes stagnation of water where mosquitoes breed. The another reason is that the migrated population is too high in Delhi so people from different parts of country come here to get themselves treated," said another Dr.

Ashutosh Biswas. The doctors also confirmed that the government both Delhi and the Centre are on their toes in connection with providing medication in for Chikungunya.

"The government has increased the facilities for detection of Chikungunya and dengue, the facilities have been elaborated that's why we are able to detect more cases.

Previously, we could not detect such cases because the needed facilities were not provided. The government is serious, especially the central government is very serious in this regard," said Dr.

Biswas. However, the mortality rate in this disease in low comparatively to other vector born diseases. "The consequences are not very bad as compared to the dengue, the mortality rate is low," he added. Chikangunya is a debilitating, though not life-threatening, disease with patients showing symptoms similar to dengue.

Typical symptoms include high-grade fever, severe joint pain, muscle pain and headache, joint swelling, or rashes.

But it is not as dangerous as dengue in which there is a risk of bleeding due to abrupt fall in platelet count.

"The joint pains last longer compared to dengue cases and especially elderly people find it extremely difficult.

Though, people should not worry as it not a life-threatening disease like dengue," Dar said," said Dr.

Dar. There is no specific treatment for Chikungunya. Supportive therapy helps ease symptoms such as administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and getting plenty of rest can be beneficial, according to experts.

Source: ANI