Congress brands PM Modi’s speech as “arrogant, vindictive”

New Delhi [India], Feb 7 : Branding Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech as arrogant, the Congress on Tuesday said that that the former gave a very revengeful reply, while adding that he could have used the occasion to share his vision for the nation.

Congress leader Veerappa Moily said, "Very revengeful reply, quite an arrogant reply, I think this was the last opportunity for him, he could have used this opportunity to share his vision for the country." Echoing similar sentiments another grand old party leader Shashi Tharoor said that good days which were promised by Prime Minister Modi don't come through speeches, one has to work for that.

"Acche din (Good Days ) do not come by delivering speeches and for that we have to work but all we have is words," said Tharoor.

However, Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Venkaiah Naidu slammed the Opposition and said that political rivals of the Ruling dispensation neither has the patience to hear the truth, nor the guts to accept the fact that the nation has rejected them and elected Prime Minister Modi.

"They must have the patience to hear the truth, the way they were making personal remarks, the way they were trying to heckle the Prime Minister.

There's a decorum to give leader of House a patient hearing, but unfortunately Congress can't digest fact that ppl have rejected them and they have selected and elected Narendra Modi as their Prime Minister, this only shows there pity mindedness," said Naidu.

Prime Minister Modi earlier in the day took a jibe at Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's 'earthquake' remark, saying that the nation finally felt the tremors yesterday.

"I was wondering why the earthquake came. When someone see 'SEVA' or any positive virtue in the word 'SCAM' then mother earth would definitely become upset," Prime Minister Modi said while speaking on motion of thanks to President's address in Lok Sabha.

Further cornering the Congress Party over the emergency declared during the Indira Gandhi regime, the Prime Minister said: "We remember how democracy was under threat from 1975 to 1977, when opposition leaders were jailed, newspaper freedom curtailed." Emphasising the importance of 'Jan Shakti', the Prime Minister said that it is because of the people's power that a person, born to a poor family became the Prime Minister of India.

"Let us understand and appreciate inherent strength of our people and take India to newer heights. Faith in Jan Shakti will give results," he added..

Source: ANI