If court convicts Sasikala, she will lose everything: GS Mani on DA case

Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], Feb.14 : Ahead of the Supreme Court's verdict on All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazagham (AIADMK) general secretary V.K.

Sasikala in the disproportionate assets case, G.S. Mani, the lawyer for Satta Panchayat Iyakkam, on Tuesday said if the court convicts Sasikala, she'll lose everything.

"If the court convicts Sasikala even for a minimum period of one year, she will legally lose the Chief Minister post because she will suffer the disqualification as per the provision under the Constitution and per the law laid by the Supreme Court.

As she is not the member of the legislative assembly, she does not fulfill the qualification. There is no doubt if the court convicts her she will lose everything," Mani said. "We expect that the Supreme Court will give good judgement because people's money has been looted by those in power.

So, they should be punished and they should be sent to jail. We are expecting that," he added. The Supreme Court is expected to announce its much-anticipated verdict in the 19-year-old disproportionate assets case against former chief minister J.

Jayalalithaa and her close aide and AIADMK General Secretary V.K. Sasikala on Tuesday. Earlier, G.S. Mani filed a caveat before the apex court stating that the court should hear his side of the matter before passing any judgement in the Sasikala case.

The top court last week refused to grant an urgent hearing on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) that sought to put on hold Sasikala's swearing-in as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister till it passed judgement in the DA case against her.

Jayalalithaa, Sasikala, and two others were accused of allegedly amassing disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs.

66.65 crore during her first term as Chief Minister from 1991 to 1996..

Source: ANI