Indian poetry represented by Abhay K at International Poetry Festival in Granada

Granada [Nicaragua], Feb.15 : A hundred and one leading poets from sixty-one countries have gathered in the city of Granada in Nicaragua to celebrate poetry for a week from 12-18 February 2017 making it the poetry capital of the world this month.

Indian poetry is represented at the festival by poets Abhay K. and Pramila Venkateswaran at the thirteenth edition of the festival. Aftee reading his poems The Barbarians are finally here, Borges and Cesare Vallejo in front of the historic La Merced cathedral in Granada on 13 February, Abhay K.

received warm welcome from the Nicaraguans and the poets from 61 countries. On this occasion renowned Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Cardenal received CAPITALS- a poetry anthology edited by Abhay K.

He had contributed a poem on Nicaragua's capital Managua in this anthology. This year the festival has invited the directors of the major international poetry festivals from across the world including Bas Kwakman, director of the Poetry International, Rotterdam, Thomas Wohlfahrt, director of the poetry festival of Berlin and Mite Stefoski, director of the Estruga Poetry festival in Macedonia apart from poets such as Raul Zurita from Chile, Mary Szybist from USA, Nathaly Handall from Palestine and Antonio Gamoneda from Spain among others.

A week long poetry readings include readings at the major city squares and monuments of the city of Granada as well as in the corners of city streets accompanied by dances, theatre and various expressions of the Nicaraguan folklore.

Source: ANI