Kerala millionaires lend a helping hand

Thiruvananthapuram, March 30 : In trying times, Kerala has always benefitted from the cash rich Keralite's.

Business magnate M.K. Yusuf Ali has announced Rs 10 crore, Ravi Pillai Rs 5 crore and then there has been contributions in kind.

The first to do that was UAE based mariner Sohan Roy when he announced that he would gift 10 ventilators and asked his employees to ensure that they take over the needs of 2,000 families.

Then he announced his swanking 9,000 sq.ft home at Thrissur for isolation needs.

Soon came another offer, when leading jeweller Joy Alukkas offered to hand over 36 villas to be used as isolation wards, which were built by his Foundation as part of rehabilitating endosulfan victims in Kasargode.

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan last week had called for contributions to the CM's Distress Relief Fund and soon came these offers and expectations are more will soon start contributing.

There have been 182 positive cases reported in the state so far, of whom 15 have been cured and one died.

When Tsunami hit in 2004, the two floods in 2018, 19 and now with Covid 19 striking hard, they have been the first to contribute generously .



Source: IANS