Kerala reports 3,346 fresh Covid-19 cases

Thiruvananthapuram, Jan 18 : Kerala on Monday reported 3,346 new Covid-19 cases, said state's Health Minister K.K.

Shailaja, adding that the test positivity rate now stands at 10.11 per cent.

As many as 68,399 people are under treatment in various facilities across the state.

Ernakulam has the highest number with 574 cases, while Kasargod with the least numbers with 574 infections.

As many as 2,965 positive cases are through contacts.

At least 17 fatalities were reported on Monday, pushing the toll in the state to 3,480.

53 health workers have tested positive for the coronavirus on Monday.

2,09,786 people are under observation at various places in the state. Of this 1,98,681 are under institutional quarantine, while 11,105 under observation at various hospitals in the state.



Source: IANS