The Flying Trunk

Page No : 3
flying9 As the time for the wedding ceremony was nearing, the young man was looking for a safe place to put his trunk. A spark from one of the many fireworks fell on the trunk and burnt it into ashes. And all the dreams of the young man were shattered.
The dejected young man without anything to offer to the sultan’s daughter went out of the palace leaving behind his beautiful bride. While the beautiful princess waited for the young man’s return, he left the country and wandered for the rest of his life. flying10
flying11 In shabby clothes, the depressed man kept wandering. He never got back his happiness. Instead of working hard and saving, like his shrewd father, he wasted all the wealth left behind by him. He felt very hungry and to earn a piece of bread he told stories in the towns he travelled.
He told them the tales of his wonderful journeys to far-off lands, of the strange people he met the about the delicious food he ate. He also shared with them his experiences in the sultan’s palace. He used to tell them about the fabulous palace, the beautiful princess, who had silky hair and gems like beautiful, shining eyes. flying12
As he told these stories he used to get dejected sometimes. He would get up and start for the next town in search of happiness. The happiness he never found.


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