WahingtonDC, August 2 : After an eventful wrap up of 'Preacher' season 1, co-creator Sam Catlin has spilled the beans on the storyline and plot of its season 2.
Along with making fascinating revelations for fans, he disclosed some of the new characters and gave hints on what could be expected from the upcoming series.
"A sinful, Sodom and Gomorrah-type town, blowing up on its (shit), "it's all a direct result of the absence of God," the writer cum-director told Deadline.
He revealed that all the important characters of season 1 including Jesse's nemesis, who has dogged the preacher's church land for decades and even church mouse Emily, is gone.
"In the end, we had to clear the deck, there's so many great characters from the comic to come," says Catlin, who along with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the other producers of the series wanted 'Preacher's' first season to be a prequel to the Vertigo comic book, with some nods to the print edition's "Gone to Texas" series.
Catlin further talked about the important characters that will be in prominent roles in the upcoming season.
"We're left with three survivors: Jesse, girlfriend Tulip and vampire bud Cassidy, who are on a crusade to find God, and as Jesse puts it if the Big Guy "wants our help, we'll help him .
but if he doesn't, we'll kick his ass.".
Source: ANI