Trump comes out swinging at media again, brands Russia connections reports as “fake news”

Washington D.C. [United States], Feb. 17 : Lashing out at critics and denying Russia Connections, President Donald Trump on Thursday said that he inherited a "mess" and reiterated that media reports on his advisors constant contact with Russia were "fake news." "I'm here again, to take my message straight to the people.

As you know, our administration inherited many problems across government and across the economy. To be honest, I inherited a mess. It's a mess. At home and abroad, a mess," CNN quoted Trump as saying during his press conference. Coming down heavily on media, Trump said that he has never seen more dishonest media than the political media.

"I have never seen more dishonest media, frankly than the political media," he said. Reacting on the leaks which led to the resignation of his national security adviser Michael Flynn, Trump said that the leaks were real but the news was fake.

"The leaks are real. The leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake because so much of the news is fake," he said. Trump said he has nothing to do with Russia and he does not know anyone from his campaign that was in contact with Russia.

He also accused holdovers from the Obama administration of leaking out information to attack his administration.

"I own nothing in Russia, I have no loans in Russia, I don't have any deals in Russia," Trump said."Russia is fake news," Trump said.

Trump said that he was here to update the American people about the incredible progress made by his administration since he became the president.

He said that no president has done what they did in this short period of time..

Source: ANI