Union Cabinet approves MoU between ICMR, Swiss research centres

New Delhi, Aug 18 : The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday was apprised of the MoUs between the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the GARDP Foundation on Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Innovation, and the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), both in Switzerland.

The MoUs, signed in March and February, respectively, this year, are aimed to strengthen relations within the framework of the international scientific and technological collaboration and to promote cooperation in fields of mutual interest.

The ICMR-GARDP collaboration will include establishing a strategy and modalities for financial and in-kind contributions by both parties to ensure the success of the joint objectives.

Funding may be provided directly to the other party or to the third parties engaged in projects. All financial and in-kind contributions will be subject to separate legally binding agreements.

In the MoU with the FIND, the ICMR is committed to make available funding up to (Dollar) 100,000 while the FIND will make available funds up to (Dollar) 400,000 to local partners and researchers identified through Request for Proposals (RFP).



Source: IANS